Image by Michael Giuffrida about progress

Why does it feel like it takes so long to gain momentum in my new business?

Do you remember the old UPS commercial about the company that launched their new website and suddenly they had too many orders to handle?  Unfortunately, with most things in business, you do not gain momentum at that pace.  In all reality, in the beginning it can feel like any change in a business is moving Read more about Why does it feel like it takes so long to gain momentum in my new business?[…]

Image for teamwork by Michael Giuffrida

What things should I consider for my new office space?

For today’s employees, an office space is more than simply a place to show up for 8 hours per day to do a job and then go home.  People have learned that for a place that you spend such a large portion of your waking hours, you need to want to go there, enjoy being Read more about What things should I consider for my new office space?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida for Computer security

How do I keep track of all my passwords?

Passwords are important, I don’t think anyone would dispute that. And in today’s day and age, most sites are requiring that passwords are “complex”. A complex password is one that has multiple nuances to it making it harder to crack by a hacker.  Examples of those nuances are upper case letters, numbers and special characters.  Read more about How do I keep track of all my passwords?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about collaboration

What should I do about email for my new business?

Managing email can be a daunting task for a new business owner.  In a future series we will discuss proper email etiquette tips, but for now lets discuss how you should set yourself up.  While some people still pick up the phone and call someone when they are looking for a product or service, most Read more about What should I do about email for my new business?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about Finance

How do I track expenses when I am on the road?

One of the easiest downfalls in a new business is forgetting what you spent and losing receipts.  If you fail to properly record your expenses, you will miss out on tax deductions as well as lose sight of what it takes to properly deliver your product or service.  Fortunately, the days of the shoe-box of Read more about How do I track expenses when I am on the road?[…]