How can I start fresh at my new job?

Image by Michael Giuffrida about improvementOne piece of advice I give most new employees on the way in and people who are leaving on the way out is to “take advantage of the fresh start”.  Nobody in your new role will know any of your “bad habits” or the things that plagued you at your last job.  When changing jobs, you have the opportunity to be whoever you want to be.  If you always admired the woman who delivered the best service and got recognized for it, or the guy who always seemed to know how to make a difference in someone’s day then you can now be that person.

I suggest you not take this lightly though, you should think about it ahead of time and build the persona of who you want to be.  I imagine someone will read this and think that I am telling you to be disingenuous but it is just the opposite.  I am telling you to use this as an opportunity for self improvement.  If you are tired of always being the over-stressed, overworked doormat, then change it.  If you want to be the person who makes decisions and gets things done, then do it.  Be the best you that you can be.  Take all your best traits with you and leave those others behind.  This is your next chapter and you get to write it.

For more tips on making a good fresh start, check out these articles from:

Most of all, enjoy your change.  While change can be difficult, it can be exciting.  Try to recognize the fun parts and enjoy them, because life is short.

This post was written by Michael Giuffrida.  He has decades of experience leading people and enjoys sharing his experiences for readers here at Titan Strategic Partners.

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