Network security is a topic that never seems to “get old” as there are new threats and stories we hear every day in the news and from local businesses about a breach or other security challenge that we need to be vigilant about. Threats are everywhere, even in places that we might not consider such as medical devices. Recently, the FDA started cracking down on medical device security to help protect patients who have this exposure. So how much security is enough or what are the right tools? Unfortunately there is no one right answer. A best practice in the IT industry today is using a layered approach to security called “Defense in Depth“.
Basically, using a defense in depth approach to your security is putting up multiple hurdles for your prospective attacker to have to climb over and through to get into your network. While no single tool is enough anymore, using several different ones can help to keep perpetrators at bay. Some examples we have discussed before are:
Additionally, some of the standards for endpoint protection include anti-virus and malware software as well as utilizing a strong password policy and encryption technology for any data that leaves the network. The most important thing to remember is that new threats and threat protection technologies are developed every day so you are NEVER done thinking about the security of your network and what you need to have in place to protect it.
Michael Giuffrida from Southington CT has been operating businesses since 1997. He is an experienced entrepreneur in business management, profitable growth, business valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and information technology managed services.
With cyber threats constantly evolving, layered network security is a must. Monitoring your edge devices, critical servers, and even end points with next generation anti-malware software such as Cylance or cb Defense provides still more protection: