What do I need to know about the recently released Connecticut cyber security strategy?

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy recently released his strategy for protecting the state from cyber security attacks.  The strategy document discusses steps that the government should to take in order to be prepared for an attack and how to mitigate some of the damage that could be done by one when it happens.  He also looks at risks and strategy for specific industries such as Higher Education, Financial Services and Insurance as they are all large parts of Connecticut’s economy. “We must defend ourselves, which demands new habits and sensibilities. At the same time, we can never stop inventing and investing in knowledge and systems that improve our lives and ability to compete.” – Governor Dannel Malloy.

As it pertains to all business public and private, he suggests that every business leader be asking themselves these critical questions:

  1. What are we doing to protect important data?
  2. How would we know if we had been breached?
  3. How quickly could we recover from a cyber attack?
  4. Are we leveraging our human and technical assets appropriately to protect our information?
  5. How complete is our understanding of current cyber threats?
  6. To what extent have we reduced our risks in the past year?
  7. To what extent have we reduced cyber incidents in the past year?

If you have not been asking yourself these questions as relates to your business, it is time.  If you have trouble answering any of them don’t worry, that’s not uncommon.  What is important is that you start focusing on them now, before an attack happens.  If you don’t know where to start your IT managed service provider should be able to help.

Michael Giuffrida from Southington CT has been operating businesses since 1997.  He is an experienced entrepreneur in business management, profitable growth, business valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and information technology managed services.