Leave Work Stress at Work -Tip by Mike Giuffrida

Image by Michael Giuffrida about AdviceToday there are many things that require our attention at the same time.  Many of these things can create stress for anyone on a regular basis, and that is normal.  In some people, this stress is actually a motivator to reach higher goals and produce better results at work.  Bringing this stress home with you however can be disastrous for your personal relationships and your overall health.  It is important to remember that your work stress will be there tomorrow, and the people you go home to at night had nothing to do with that part of your day. You must be intentional about leaving your work stress behind and its not so difficult to do if you just follow a few simple steps outlined by Mike Giuffrida from Southington CT.

  1. Create the transition – Make sure that you have a deliberate transition from your work time to your home time.  Create a little ritual for your self to perform each day to ensure that you are conscious about making the transition.  This could include making a list of the work items that are stressing you out so they can be left for tomorrow or alternatively a list of the things you are looking forward to when going home.
  2. Be Grateful – Be sure to be grateful for the good things in your life both at work and at home.  It is easy to get caught up in what is going wrong and to miss the many things that are likely going right.  Again, writing this stuff down may help bring these items to the focus of your mind and thereby reducing stress.
  3. Talk to your family about what is bothering you at work – This doesn’y have to be a gripe session, simply an acknowledgement that you had  some tough times during the day and that you want to clear your mind of them so you can focus on your family.  Bringing this out into the open will help your family understand that sometimes flipping he switch between work and home is not all that simple.

Follow these simple stems to help leave your work stress at work so you can focus on your home life at home.

Mike Giuffrida is managing partner at Titan Strategic Partners based in Southington, Connecticut. The company’s expertise is in building and improving organizations from startups to established businesses.

1 thought on “Leave Work Stress at Work -Tip by Mike Giuffrida

  • Yes, that’s right! We should leave our work stress at work so we can focus on our home life at home. While it’s a good thing to be dedicated to our job, allowing it to take over our life is a big problem. We should find ways on how to balance our work and life. Give all your best during working hours and be sure to have a life when you leave your office. Thank you for your tips! Very helpful indeed!

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