Regardless of how small your business is or what you provide for a product or service, it is likely that someone will try to find you on the web to see what you do, how you do it, how others like you and what you charge. Additionally, the web is how people find new providers for goods and services that they need. So the short answer to the question “Do I need a website for my business?” is YES!
Don’t worry though, this doesn’t have to be a daunting and expensive task. We discussed in a previous post the need for a good email address to reflect what your business does. If you used a service such as 1 & 1 to register your domain name, you can likely setup a free website as well on that service. You can choose from hundreds of template looks and styles and decide how complex or simple you want your site to be. This is a quick and inexpensive way to get started on the web.
If your business begins to depend more on the web to drive new leads or provide information and/or services to your clients, you will want to consult a professional web design and development firm to make sure that you are getting the most from your web presence.
Michael Giuffrida from Southington CT has been operating businesses since 1997. He is an experienced entrepreneur in business management, profitable growth, business valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and information technology managed services
As a Small business co-owner, I was initially reluctant to the thought of having to build and maintain a website. Now that we have had a website, I find that clients are using the website to research our services in a positive manner.
I’ve seen first hand how easy it can be to set up a domain and beautiful, functional website with hardly any work. I used Squarespace personally, you can get your domain, setup a website from a template, and get a Google Apps account for email all in one place for about an hour of your time. With how easy it is to set up, there’s hardly a reason not to have a website these days.
In today’s world it’s difficult to look like a legitimate business without a decent professional website. First thing I do in researching any company I am going to do business with is check out their website.
Even with very little experience, I was able to set-up a basic website for my business and I’m really happy with the results. I’m able to provide transparent information so folks can see if we’re compatible before we discuss doing business together. And there are so many options for people like me (with no coding background) to have a concise and effective website!
If a business doesn’t have a website, I’m out. That shows me lack of professionalism and investment in their business. I don’t want to be their customer.
When I started my business many years ago, there was no such thing as a website. We had to depend on newspapers, etc. I think of what my business would have been like if I had had a website. Today I won’t even consider doing business with someone who doesn’t have a website. They tell so much about a company before you become involved with it.
The web is today’s Yellow Pages. If you wanted to find a business or service in the past you used the Yellow Pages, if you weren’t listed you weren’t found. Today it is the web, if you don’t have a web presence, you aren’t found. Very important tip for anyone in business.
As more and more customers are preferring to engage with businesses online, it is very important to have a solid web presence. Some of the things we’ve been discussing at my business are how to create a website with a customer-centric design and how to look at the site (and your whole business) from an outside-in perspective (what does the customer want to see vs. what do we want the customer to see). These might also be good future topics for posts.