Michael Giuffrida: How to Protect Your CT Business from Hackers

Last year, Dannel Malloy, the governor of Connecticut, introduced a new strategy for safeguarding the state against cybersecurity attacks. If you’re a business owner in the Constitution State, this relatively new cybersecurity strategy definitely impacts your daily operations, according to business guru Michael Giuffrida. Here’s a look at what you should know about Connecticut’s newest approach to dealing with the growing problem of cybersecurity attacks.

Malloy’s cybersecurity strategy document explains what Connecticut’s government needs to do to prepare for cybersecurity attacks and minimize the damage stemming from attacks that do happen. Malloy in his plan also explores the risks facing specific industries, including insurance, higher education, and financial services, and how the cybersecurity strategy applies to them. These industries are especially important to address because they play such a major role in Connecticut’s economy.

According to Malloy, the state has to defend itself against cybersecurity issues, which means it must be sensible and be willing to adopt new habits in this area. A few critical questions are important for you as a business owner to ask in Connecticut and even in other states. For example, what steps are you taking to keep your important data protected, and how do you know if you have been breached?

It is also critical that you know how quickly you could recover from cyber attacks. Other important pieces of information to know are the following: how you have decreased your cyber incidents and risks within the past 12 months; how complete your understanding of your company’s current cybersecurity threats are; and whether you are leveraging your technical and human assets properly to keep your information safe. The sooner you increase your knowledge in all of these areas, the better off your business will be in the long run no matter what kinds of cybersecurity threats pass your way.