Tips to get a fresh start at a new job by Mike Giuffrida

Image by Michael Giuffrida about AdviceA new job or place of employment is always a welcome opportunity to change, improve, and work without any of the bad stuff that plagued you at your last job. But making a fresh start isn’t always easy, especially if you have been over-stressed, overworked, and jaded by circumstances for years and years. Here are some tips to achieve this fresh start in your career today.

Don’t be afraid to fail
It’s a fresh start all right, but allow failure to be a roadmap for what you shouldn’t do the next time around. Whether it’s a minor slip-up or an epic mistake, forgive yourself and don’t let it spoil the new start that you’re having.

Cultivate the art of listening
Being a good listener to someone at work can make a significant impact on that person and foster new relationships. There’s also a lot of information going around, so listening more and better is important to your well-being and success in the workplace.

Be open to change
Staying relevant as you move forward in life means having the ability to embrace change and unlearn certain things. To refuse to change and hold onto what made you money and gave you prestige in the past can prove to be a fatal error.

It’s okay to be different
It’s okay to try to fit in with your new environment. Note, however, that the person who embraces his difference will always stand out. Stick to your truth, identify what makes you different, and try to be the best version of yourself.

Michael Giuffrida has been working as a managing partner at Titan Strategic Partners based in Hartford, Connecticut. The company’s expertise is in building and improving organizations from startups to established businesses. Learn more on this website.