Image by Michael Giuffrida about Implementation

What should I do about telephones for my business?

There are lots of options for implementing a telecom strategy for your business with today’s technology.  There was a time when picking your phone number and deciding your initial telecom strategy was daunting because if you every moved your office to another town or went from one system to another all of the history with Read more about What should I do about telephones for my business?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about Implementation

How can I empower my employees to make decisions that will be in alignment with my thinking?

When you are operating a small business you can not be everywhere at the same time. Because of this, if you want to grow and scale your business you will quickly need to figure out how to empower your employees to make decisions so you are not a bottleneck to your own growth.  While this Read more about How can I empower my employees to make decisions that will be in alignment with my thinking?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about Teams

Unlimited vacation time? Really???

There is a trend in small businesses to offer employees unlimited vacation time.  The reality is that for many small businesses, they would essentially do this for their good employees anyway.  While there is usually a policy that indicates how many days or weeks an employee would get, if you have employees who are going Read more about Unlimited vacation time? Really???[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about process

Can I use robotic process automation (RPA) in my small business?

The concept of automation is not new. Neither is the idea of using “robots” to do things that humans were previously required to do.  However, the idea of being able to afford any of this in a small business has been far out of reach as automation was widely considered an “enterprise” concept.  Good news Read more about Can I use robotic process automation (RPA) in my small business?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about progress

Why does it feel like it takes so long to gain momentum in my new business?

Do you remember the old UPS commercial about the company that launched their new website and suddenly they had too many orders to handle?  Unfortunately, with most things in business, you do not gain momentum at that pace.  In all reality, in the beginning it can feel like any change in a business is moving Read more about Why does it feel like it takes so long to gain momentum in my new business?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida for Computer security

Do I need a written information security policy for my business?

A written information security policy (WISP) is a document that a business can use to inform employees about ways to protect the information in their business.  It covers topics such as how complex passwords must be, how often they should change and how to store them.  It should also define the different types of information Read more about Do I need a written information security policy for my business?[…]

Image for teamwork by Michael Giuffrida

What things should I consider for my new office space?

For today’s employees, an office space is more than simply a place to show up for 8 hours per day to do a job and then go home.  People have learned that for a place that you spend such a large portion of your waking hours, you need to want to go there, enjoy being Read more about What things should I consider for my new office space?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about Teams

What are core values and why are they important?

Every business has a set of values by which they operate each day.  In business with solid leadership, these values are consistent day after day and do not change in times of financial trouble, business difficulties, or employee turnover.  The best leaders make these values known to the organization and work to promote them every Read more about What are core values and why are they important?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida for Computer security

How do I control where my employees go on the internet?

There are different reasons for a business owner to want to control where employees go on the internet when they are at work.  First off, you might want to make sure the way employees are spending their time is on business activities not personal ones.  To achieve this, you would have to restrict websites that Read more about How do I control where my employees go on the internet?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about Implementation

6 Questions to ask when deciding how to backup your data

Most businesses know that its important to backup your company’s data, but there are a lot of different strategies for doing so.  How do you know if you have done enough to ensure you will not lose any data in the event of a disaster?  A good rule of thumb for data backup is called Read more about 6 Questions to ask when deciding how to backup your data[…]