Image by Michael Giuffrida about Teams

What are core values and why are they important?

Every business has a set of values by which they operate each day.  In business with solid leadership, these values are consistent day after day and do not change in times of financial trouble, business difficulties, or employee turnover.  The best leaders make these values known to the organization and work to promote them every Read more about What are core values and why are they important?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida for Computer security

What is the biggest security risk in my network?

The biggest risk in any network is human behavior.  Users on your network bring most of the viruses and malware into your network through their actions while performing their jobs or simply using your technology.  Whether they are researching something on the web, reading email, or loading a program on their computer, introducing malicious code Read more about What is the biggest security risk in my network?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida for Computer security

How do I keep track of all my passwords?

Passwords are important, I don’t think anyone would dispute that. And in today’s day and age, most sites are requiring that passwords are “complex”. A complex password is one that has multiple nuances to it making it harder to crack by a hacker.  Examples of those nuances are upper case letters, numbers and special characters.  Read more about How do I keep track of all my passwords?[…]

Image by Michael Giuffrida about collaboration

5 Tips on email etiquette

Business email is a great tool.  It has enabled us to communicate very quickly to people all over the world without even opening our mouths!  However, there is a time and place for email.  Here are some simple etiquette tips you can follow to make sure that your email recipients understand what you are saying, Read more about 5 Tips on email etiquette[…]